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12 items found for "photography"
- From National Pride to Nostalgia: What Makes Chinese Fashion “Chinese”?
Provided by VOGUE Runway. 02/01/22 Nostalgia in the work of Contemporary Fashion Designers and Photographers recent collaboration between Shanghai-based designer Yiran Tian and internationally-acclaimed fashion photographer Leslie Zhang, also based in Shanghai, has quickly become the go-to photographer for international luxury In these nostalgia-ridden fashion collections and photographs, modern Chinese history and identity are Such identity is incorporated into fashion and photography, by referencing not only traditional clothing
- Macau and its contrasts: Visualized by an inhabitant standpoint
Antonio Monteiro is one of those inhabitants, and he uses photography to convey these transformations According to his Facebook info, António's main objective is to promote Macau’s street photography, emphasizing From Antonio’s photography, one perceives what he calls “the contrast.” He practices photography as a hobby, focusing on the many beautiful landscapes of Macau, mainly the rich You may find his Facebook page and Instagram with 'armonteiro photography'.
- From Passenger to Pasajero: When ambiguity in language translates a new eye into Shanghai
Coming to Shanghai slightly before the Expo 2010 As he is known by his friends, Nico is a Chilean photographer The following photographs are glimpses into it. About the photographer Nicolas Santa Maria, born in 1979 in Santiago, Chile, is a photographer, a chef Trained in culinary arts since young age, he formally studied photography at the Instituto Professional ; and food—the world of food and food photography/portraits.
- Portraits of Shanghai ayis: an immersion in the life of middle-aged women
In the rapidly modernizing, young, and energetic city of Shanghai, there is a group called ayi (auntie). They are generally 40-60 years old with gray hair and wrinkles as their physical characteristics. Once their children have grown up, and they are no longer active in the job market, the ayi group seems to have “retired” into the background; their sense of existence in society has been somewhat overlooked. So here comes the question: where can you find ayi on the streets of Shanghai? The park? The wet market? The following photos are an observation of the ayi through the lens of Shanghai streets. Some were working in Lawsons or the wet market. Some were strolling or exercising in the park after buying groceries. Some were taking pictures with their besties to post on their WeChat Moments, just like the modern youth. Take a deep dive into the ayis’ lifestyles, their fashion sense, their hobby of taking pictures, and their jobs. Follow the photos and observe the unique lives of Shanghai ayis. Ayis with the squad Middle-aged and elderly Chinese are social creatures: they are often spotted in groups or pairs, engaging in different leisure activities. From chatting on a bench, strolling in the park and babysitting their grandchildren, to enjoying quality time with their besties. After a lifetime of painstaking work and their own daughters and sons probably busy working, hanging out with people who are the same age makes perfect sense for Shanghainese ayis. Online ayis The rapid introduction and spread of mobile technology in China created a generation of tech-savvy ayis that is unparalleled in any other country. From mobile payments to 朋友圈 pengyou quan (WeChat Moments), from TikTok to online shopping, Shanghainese ayis are as connected to the web as younger generations. It is not uncommon to witness some of them snapping selfies with flowers and trees, browsing through their social media timelines, or playing online games. Exercising ayis Another unique characteristic of Chinese middle-aged and elderly women is their habit of exercising outdoors. Unbothered by the fast-changing landscape of big Chinese cities, they are determined to find the perfect spot for square dance, fast-walking and stretching. After all, what would the appeal of Shanghainese public parks be if not the chatty ayis dancing and playing badminton like there is no tomorrow? Working ayis However, not all ayis are born equal. Many of them did not retire at age 55 and still have to work to provide for themselves and their family. Most of them are migrant workers whose pension plan is completely different from the one Shanghainese hukou holders can rely on. These ayis are cooking in restaurants, serving baozi at your local corner shop, selling vegetables at the wet market, or sweeping the streets. Although they are often invisible to wealthier citizens, they are an essential part of Shanghainese life, and we can’t help but appreciate them even more.
- The end of slow green trains: a gaze into the social impact of China's modernization
regions, and socio-economic classes.7 Qian Haifeng: from passenger to acclaimed gazer Award-winning photographer eating, chatting, reading, and surfing online, as well as various food smells and dialects.9 "I have photographed Color photography enables us to showcase something we see every day more vividly. Qian Haifeng in Ville de Mérignac, “Interview Qian Haifeng – Mérignacc Photographic Festival 2017,” November
- The Work behind the Jump: Looking beyond the circus veil with Peng Xiangjie 彭祥杰
Many thanks to Peng Xiangjie, who so cordially accepted to provide me with not only the photography but A photographer’s narrative Photography is an art where the photographer’s intent constantly jiggles between Consequently, to determine what is worth of photography is intimately dependent on what the photographer When it comes to the Chinese photography scene, Peng does not require much introduction. With his work featured in magazines such as Chinese Photography, National Geographic, and FOCUS, this
- Getting old with a social role
About the photographer 源淵. 源淵 is a first generation Mexican-American Photographer from Texas. He started his photography journey in early 2020, documenting his daily life as a Grad Student in Shanghai He primarily takes street photography in his leisure time.
- Editorial - Feeling nostalgic for the good old days?
From nostalgia in fashion trends and photography, passing through Chinese Spring Festival Gala and Mao
- Li Lihong’s golden McDonalds: Artist profile
Of course, that does not mean that installations, photography, or painting do not have “objects” as muses
- Shanghai’s migrant ayis: Some of the many problems of being one
References / To go further 588ku, The Canteen Ayi's Background (打饭的阿姨背景), photograph, 3000 x 1688, Pngtree
- Listening to contemporary China’s heartbeat through Howie Lee’s rhythm
For me, it's like taking photographs… I think it's a really interesting time in China right now.
- The intimacy of the owls
A photograph of emotions, immortal as soon as it is written.